NOTE: this entry was previously published in 2011 Nannies are often more than child care experts. But some of the things we do for families are hard to put into marketable phrases. I mean, I can’t put “dealing with stupid plumber” on my resume. Or can I? (insert dreamy music and wavy daydream image here....) successfully oversaw extended delays, picky interior designers, re appropriated living spaces and translated contractor speak into english-- Contractor Liaison- got 3 kids, two parents and a dog out the door each morning with smiling faces and hope--Motivational Speaker- dealt with multiple extended visits with grandparents, uncles, aunts and assorted family members where no one ended up in tears or in jail--Multigenerational Coordinator- convinced 2 year old that spinach, broccoli and carrots would not, in fact, kill him--Nutritional Expert- fostered a non combative relationship between family and entitled, over reaching, annoying neighbors--Community Mediator- coordinated hundreds of school papers, bills, invoices, memos, notes, grocery lists, scraps of paper, reminders, permission slips and calendar notices--File Clerk- go between and communicator of unpleasant household news and parenting decisions--Marriage Counselor- got everyone where they needed to be even when they didn’t want to go or didn’t know where they were going--Logistics Specialist- returned numerous boxes and packages from careless internet shopping, mailed hundreds of Christmas cards and thank you notes--Shipping Whiz- made numerous blanket forts, hideouts, and cardboard princess homes --Non Traditional Materials Architect- Now you try it. What would you add onto your resume?
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November 2015