This year I am very happy to coordinate National Nanny Training Day. This day was started by my friend and frequent collaborator Lora Brawley of She has been a crusader for many years for the nanny industry to set standards for caregivers. In her blog post from 2011 she set forth the idea of creating a day that nanny agencies, support groups, individuals and the whole community would come together for a nationwide training event. FACT: Training and education of caregivers is one of the most important factors associated with the quality of the child care they provide. This is especially true of caregivers who are not associated with a professional organization like NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children). But NNTD is not only about training. It is about increasing the visibility of nannies and the quality care they can provide. It is about including nannies in the larger early childhood education community. This is why NNTD is always scheduled during the Week of the Young Child. WOTYC is organized by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. It's purpose is to highlight that the early years are supremely important for children. And that we as a nation should make sure we are focused on meeting the needs of children and their families in these important years.
National Nanny Training Day has been a huge success. It is the single largest training event for nannies that has ever been held. It has accomplished many of its goals and hopefully will continue to grow. It has also come to be even more than what Lora originally envisioned. Which is why it is a perfect fit with Nannypalooza and the work we do. NNTD is about providing access to training and building community. Most events are very affordable, inclusive and provide quality instruction and offer up new ideas. I am thrilled to coordinate the efforts this year. Soon we will begin to list cities that will host events. And more details are sure to come. But don't wait for someone else to plan an event. If you believe in quality nanny care now is the time to volunteer to organize an event in your community!! Contact me for more information. [email protected]
Nope this is not a book report. This is a true story.
I woke up in the morning with hairy legs and when I was shaving I cut myself and I didn't have any cheerios for breakfast and the line for coffee was out the door. I knew it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day. I got to work early but the trash truck was blocking the driveway so I had to park on the street next to the bushes that are very uncomfortable when I have to stand next to them to buckle in my kids. The neighbor lady yelled at me for parking on the street and I spilled coffee on my shirt. I might move to Australia. When I walked in the door all I could hear was a wail. I hate wailing. It turned into a whine. The only thing I hate more than a wail is a whine. When I tried to brush the 4 year olds hair she cried. When I gave her Lucky Charms for breakfast she ate all the marshmallows and then she cried. When I brushed her teeth and wiped her face she yelled at me that I wiped off her "lipstick" and she would not go to school. I wonder if they need nannies in Australia? I had to carry her to the car and leave for school on time because I had a doctor appointment but she didn't care. The neighbors cared when she screamed louder than a Texas cheerleader that I was smunching her. I was smashing her. I was the worst nanny ever and all she wanted was her lipstick. I knew it would end up on YouTube. It was a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day. When I was done at the doctor I went home to take care of the baby. He's only 6 weeks old but he thinks he doesn't have to sleep. Unless of course you hold him and rock him while you stand up and sing to him. I am sure the babies in Australia sleep. The only thing for lunch was salad and I hate salad. The only music in the car was Frozen and I am sick of Frozen. There was laundry in the washer and dishes in the sink. It was a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day. After nap time, my 4 year old cried about her snack so I hugged her and said- "Honey, it has been a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day." She said to me- "Yeah, some days are like that." Good thing I didn't move to Australia! |
November 2015